Today for a change I will put about my day first instead of boring anyone who might be reading with another ramble lol
oh and check out my new banner :D
Alyssa saw a consultant today and starts antacids and a special formula for her reflux.
slightly worrying is her weight gain according to the drs scales has stayed static for 2 weeks which for a 10 week old isnt good.
Though she is feeding 3 hourly she isnt hungry but it just means she is probabaly brining up a bit too much of her feeds.
so the future at the moment is 4 months of antacids and 6 months dairy free for me and her, then I have to add dairy into my diet... which im not looking forward to Dairy free for 2 weeks if i eat anything with even a bit in now it upsets my stomach so god knows what it will be like in 6 months.
But looking forward to my pain free baba.
on a downside it meant leaving the house to take her, anxity levels through the roof! I couldnt sleep lastnight very well kept waking up in a panic and in the end i had to taxi it to the hospital, and even the thought of doing that had me shaking and in tears. I am so glad they changed emilys apt to next friday it gives me a whole week to recover before having to do the same trip again.
When it comes to Sophinas apt 2 towns away I think i'm going to be dragging the whole family I just cant do it.
So what was I thinking about lastnight... Names...
So what is about a name, we get named by our parents, if you discover a star you get to name it or even if you find a new animal its your right, right?
But what about things people didnt discover like us! who decided we were Homo sapiens, now you can go into the origins of the words ect but you gotta have some balls to go... you know what I think for the whole of the human population I will call us Homo sapiens
you could almost imagine the pub convo can't you... man one: "I have decided we are Homo sapiens" man two: "you what why have you decided that" man one: "I discovered you so i get to do it" man two: "no i discovered you *hic*"
its almost like going out and renaming another persons child isnt it lol
When language and speech were first developed no doubt there was a basic name for people in general because primal man didnt speak latin and the building blocks of speach definatly would not of involved such a long term. The same thing could be said for the sky and the sun and the sea these things would of been there and called something before they were named such probabaly something with an ug sound in it. S is not a natural sound for humans which is why alot of children struggle with it so the basic things which make up our lives such as sky and sea and sun wouldnt of been called that, it wuld of relied on the primitive tones and sounds.
another thing is why is cow called beef and pig pork.
We dont do this with most other things chicken, duck, lamb, boar, turky all called what they are but yet beef and pork are differant.
so thats my thought for today...
now my pro and con of the day...
Today the thinig that bothered me is... Leaving the house
The thing that made me smile was... how well behave Sophina was while i spoke to the dr about her sister
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